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Debate: Do pets pose a significant hygiene risk?

Debate: Do pets pose a significant hygiene risk?
Posted on by Petplan
When it comes to hygiene, pet owners are a varied bunch – from the relaxed cat-lover who happily permits everything from counter-surfing to face-licking, to the anxious dog owner who won't allow their companion upstairs and insists on post-fuss hand-washing. But who's right? Here, Sophie Mackenzie looks at the science behind pets and hygiene, and persuades some brave pet owners to reveal their breaches of best practice.

It's well known that people with pets, on the whole, are healthier and live longer than those without. This is partly because of the stress-busting effect our companion animals have, but also because exposure to them boosts immunity, especially in children. So at what point does close proximity to pets stop being beneficial and start being a bit unsanitary, or even dangerous?

How to control your food-aggressive rabbit

How to control your food-aggressive rabbit
Posted on by Petplan
This article contains: pet diet handling
Q: My rabbit is becoming very food-aggressive. Can you give me some advice on how to handle him?

A: Rabbits can become aggressive over food because it is of high importance to them. In the wild, rabbits spend a lot of time foraging. Giving a pet rabbit a whole bowl of concentrated food may result in it 'defending' it. If your bunny has a good-sized hutch and run (as all rabbits should have), scatter the food on the floor or in the grass rather than in a bowl. Think about getting an activity feeder,

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