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What your cat should not eat

Cats of all ages like to explore and play by chewing – but sometimes they consume things that are harmful to them. Discover foods and household items that pose a threat to your cat’s wellbeing, from fish bones to antifreeze.

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You might assume that kittens are more likely to get themselves into mischief and eat something bad for them. But in reality, cats of any age are at risk of eating poisonous foods and dangerous household substances.

Why do cats eat harmful substances?

Although cats are generally considered fastidious eaters, there are several reasons why a cat will be tempted to eat something toxic. Eliminating or managing the following risk factors will be part of keeping your cat safe and healthy.


The idiom ‘curiosity killed the cat’ has its basis in truth. Cats are inquisitive by nature and can sniff, lick and eat things that they should not.

Before cats were domesticated, they had to constantly assess their environment in the wild to keep themselves safe. As a result, domestic cats now seek out new spaces like sheds and cupboards where they can stumble across chemicals and foods that could be harmful for them. To keep your pet safe, ensure dangerous household items are kept well out of your cat’s reach.


If your cat is not getting enough food at home, they could go in search of some elsewhere. Being hungry could lead them to eat foods they aren’t usually interested in, such as fruits or vegetables they can’t digest.

Hunting instinct

Cats naturally hunt prey, and their instincts mean they are constantly on the search for their next snack. This can lead them to catch birds and rodents, as well as eat meat and bones from bins.

Cats that have previously been strays might still have their scavenging habits and could eat dangerous things because they’re not confident about where their next meal is coming from.

Lack of time in nature

Cats have a natural instinct to chew grass and leaves, which ordinarily will not harm them. Yet this could still cause a problem if grass or leaves outside have been treated with fertilisers or pesticides.

If your cat is an indoor cat, they may not have access to gardens and parks to relieve this chewing instinct. In this instance, they may resort to eating your houseplants, which could be toxic to them.

Tooth and gum problems

Sometimes cats want to soothe their dental problems by chewing on household items. These can be ‘safer’ items, such as fabric or leather, which isn’t harmful as long as they don’t swallow anything. But if your cat chews on electrical cables or bottles with chemicals inside, there’s more risk to their safety.

If your cat seems to have a strong urge to chew, invest in some chew toys to deter them from harmful materials.

Foods cats should not eat

Knowing which human foods are risky for your cat’s health is an important step in keeping them out of your cat’s way. Be vigilant if the following foods and drinks are present when your cat is sniffing around.

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks

While you’d never intentionally give your cat alcohol, cats may enjoy drinking sweet or creamy things. A cocktail or something like a cream-based liqueur left in a glass next to the sofa is ideally placed for a nosy cat to take a few sips.

Even a tiny amount of alcohol could cause your cat to become unconscious, affect their liver and kidneys, and impact their brain. Any drinks that contain caffeine can also cause your cat to become restless, suffer from rapid breathing, heart palpitations and muscle tremors.

Onions and garlic

You might not expect a cat to want to eat onions or garlic, but never underestimate a curious and hungry cat.

If there are onions or garlic left over on a pizza covered with cheese or meat, this could be very tempting to a cat’s taste buds. Eating raw or cooked onions or garlic could cause bloating, gases and digestive issues for your cat.

Milk and dairy products

Cows’ milk or specific lactose-free ‘cat milk’ holds no nutritional value for cats. Your cat may want to drink it, but it’s likely they are craving the cream as a high-fat, calorie-rich treat, not the milk itself.

As cats are lactose-intolerant, feeding them milk could give them severe stomach and digestive problems.

Chocolate and nuts

Cats often enjoy sweet, creamy foods – and chocolate is both. Unfortunately, chocolate is highly toxic for cats. There is a naturally occurring substance in cocoa called theobromine which is very harmful to cats. After eating chocolate, your cat could experience serious kidney and heart problems.

Grapes, nuts and raisins

Even a small piece of grape or raisin could have fast and serious health implications for your cat. From kidney failure to digestive distress, your cat could become seriously ill – so these should be avoided at all costs.

Nuts are also not good for cats. In particular, macadamia nuts contain a toxin that can affect a cat’s nervous system and muscles.

Raw eggs, raw meat and bones

Cats are obligate carnivores that get their nutrients from meat. It’s why they hunt prey in the garden and devour meat-rich cat foods. This might lead you to think it’s safe for your cat to eat raw meat and eggs, since these foods replicate the diet your cat would eat in the wild.

The problem is that the raw meat and eggs from your fridge have been processed. The animals have not been instantly killed and consumed; instead, there has been an opportunity for salmonella or E. coli to develop. If your cat ate foods affected by these bacteria, they could become dangerously ill with severe digestive problems and fatigue.

Cats often want to chew chicken bones, fish bones or lamb bones because they taste of meat. While this may appear to be harmless, the danger comes when the bones splinter under the pressure of your cat’s jaws. These shards of bones can pierce the gums, tongue and throat of your cat, which can be painful and very dangerous.

Unbaked bread dough 

This can be dangerous for cats as, when ingested, the dough expands and ferments in the stomach. This can result in bloating as well as poisoning from the fermentation process.


If your cat digests a food item made with the artificial sweetener – often found in sugar-free sweets, peanut butter and sugar replacements – they can go into hypoglycaemia, which is linked to liver failure and blood clotting.

How to stop cats from eating dangerous foods

As well as making sure your cat eats a healthy balanced diet, keep hazardous or poisonous food out of their reach. Install cat-proof locks on cupboards if your pet is particularly inquisitive, and don’t let your cat on the worktop when you’re cooking.

It’s best not to feed your cat table scraps – so be extra vigilant when you have visitors or at certain times of the year, such as holiday periods, when there’s more food around.

Which human foods can cats eat?

Cats can eat certain fruits and some vegetables, including:

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Pears
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Cranberries
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Green beans
  • Lettuce

However, while ok if ingested in small amounts, it’s not recommended to feed your cat fruits as they’re high in sugar, can cause diabetes or can make your cat gain weight. Likewise, while certain vegetables can be eaten in moderation, it's best to just stick to cat food, where your cat can get all of their required nutrients.

Additionally, any kind of meat that is boiled, grilled or baked and served plain (with no sauce or seasoning) can be eaten by your cat. Boiled fish contains vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, while cooked prawns can be eaten occasionally. Eggs, either cooked or scrambled, are also a good source of protein. However, bacon and ham should only be served very occasionally as a treat, as these are high in fat and salt.

Finally, unrefined whole grains and wheat cereals – such as oatmeal and rice – are fine to be eaten occasionally.

Which harmful household items have cats been known to eat?

Below, Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner highlights some common household items that may be a threat to your cat.

You can also find a handy list below.

String or wool

Cats like to play with balls of wool, string and other long trailing ropes for entertainment – but if they accidentally ingest some, it can be risky.

String becomes a ‘linear foreign body’ if it's swallowed. When the long string gets into the intestines, which are coiled up and full of bends, the string can cause obstructions and knots, and can slice through the soft tissue of the gut.

Plastic or rubber items

A baby's dummy, the teats of bottles and anything soft and rubbery are satisfying for cats to chew on. However, it's easy for pieces to break off plastic and rubber items and become lodged in your cat’s throat or gut.

Fat balls

The high fat content in fat balls used for wild birds can make them attractive to cats. However, if your cat eats a fat ball, it could result in pancreatitis.

Glues and adhesives

Anything in tubes is attractive for cats to chew on, but glues and adhesives are especially dangerous.

Should your cat perforate the packaging, the glue could leak into their mouth, burning the sensitive skin in their throat, sticking their lips and gums together, and damaging their kidneys and liver with highly toxic chemicals.

Medicines and vitamins

Many medicines, such as paracetamol, which are safe for humans are very harmful to cats. Not only because cats are significantly smaller than humans, meaning even the smallest amount is a significant overdose, but because cats do not have the enzyme in their liver to break the chemicals down.

Vitamin tablets – such as vitamin D – can cause serious health problems such as kidney failure in cats. Vitamin D is also found in supplement tablets such as cod liver oil and other human medicines, so be sure to keep these away from curious paws.

Household cleaners and rodenticides

Cats can be attracted to the brightly coloured packaging of household cleaning products and play with or chew them. Many of these products contain caustic substances, detergents and bleaches that can be fatal if consumed. Poisons used to kill rats and mice are also highly toxic to cats.

Certain flowers, trees and mushrooms

Lilies are very common household plants yet are extremely dangerous to cats, with every part of the plant being toxic to them. Should your cat chomp on any part of the plant, they are at risk of severe liver and kidney damage. Lilies are especially risky for house cats that crave being able to chew on plants. 

Other examples of :

  • Jimson weed
  • Azaleas
  • Daffodils
  • Foxgloves
  • Geraniums
  • Yew trees

There are also lots of different types of fungi that can be poisonous to cats. Ingesting any of these listed plants can result in dizziness, abdominal cramps, an upset stomach, vomiting or liver failure. In severe cases, ingestion can also be fatal.

Electrical cables

While your cat isn’t likely to swallow a whole electrical cable, they are at risk of electrocution. Cats enjoy chewing on rubbery textures and their sharp teeth could pierce through and connect to the metal wires.

Antifreeze, weedkiller and slug killer

Some chemicals, such as antifreeze or ethylene glycol, smell and taste sweet to cats. As a result, cats can seek out the substances without understanding they’re poisonous.

If you’re planning on using slug pellets or weedkiller in your garden, or filling up your car with antifreeze, keep your cat inside. It’s essential that chemicals are kept out of reach of cats.


An ingredient found in some flea spot-on, spray and shampoo treatments made for dogs, permethrin is highly toxic to cats.


Zinc can be toxic to cats and poisoning tends to happen when they eat zinc-containing metal items such as nails, zips, batteries or coins.

What should you do if you think your cat has eaten something harmful?

If your cat is suddenly lethargic, vomiting, experiencing diarrhoea or is in seizure, immediately take them to the vet. If your cat has no symptoms, but you fear they have ingested something harmful, you can still call the vet and explain your concerns, as they will then be able to advise you.

If you’d like further information about what cats can’t eat and you have cat insurance with Petplan, you can also access our Pet Expert Chat by logging into your My Petplan account and heading to the My Support area.

Has your cat ever eaten something they shouldn’t? Tell us on Petplan’s Facebook page.

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